
拡張近代経済学研究会「Technical choice, factor substitution, and unemployment」のお知らせ:10/25(土)


·                     日時: 20141025(日) 13301400
·                     場所: 経済棟7階 合同研究室



Technical choice, factor substitution, and unemployment
報告者:中村 英樹  氏(大阪市立大学 経済学研究科 教授)


This study considers unemployment in a variant of the Diamond model and examines the effects of technical choice and factor-augmenting technical progress.  Technical choice refers to the choice in the ranges of capital use and labor use.  The choice of a wide range of capital use, that is, a "too advanced" technique given a high wage rate, could worsen the unemployment problem.    We decompose a constant-elasticity-of-substitution production function into the available techniques and input quantities and find that unemployment increases with a rise in the elasticity of substitution. Labor-augmenting technical progress may worsen unemployment when capital and labor are complements.




中村 勝克(教授) 711研究室