


·                     日時: 2015年 317日(火) 13:30~15:00
·                     場所: 経済棟7階 合同研究室


Production Function via Mechanization

講師:中村 英樹 氏(大阪市立大学 経済学研究科 教授)

This paper considers a production process with Leontief-type steps. We derive the production function using the technical choice represented by mechanization in which mechanization involves no total factor productivity growth. We also derive a constant elasticity of substitution production function by using a restriction on the efficiency between capital and labor use that depends on mechanization. The elasticity of substitution between capital and labor then measures what production technique forms through mechanization, such that a high elasticity of substitution corresponds with the large marginal effect of mechanization on the output/labor ratio complements.


中村 勝克(教授) ※問合せの電話番号、メールアドレスなどは、こちら(学内掲示用ポスターにリンクします)をご覧ください。